Types of Spiders in NSW

Generally speaking, spiders are seen as “beneficial”, as they help keep insect numbers down. However, some spiders represent a serious safety concern and spider webs can certainly make a home look untidy.
For homeowners, being able to identify spiders is important if someone gets bitten and for professionals identifying the spider species is important as it determines the best spider treatment.
From a treatment point of view, pest managers often group spiders into web-building spiders, which build webs to catch their prey and hunting or running spiders, which generally don’t build webs, but hunt their prey on the ground.
Here are the common types of spiders we find in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley:

Web Building Spiders

Redback Spider
The female redback spider is black, easily distinguished by its large, bulging abdomen with a prominent red stripe down the middle. The female grows to around 2cm in length. The egg case is a round, pale yellow colour often suspended in the web, with the female nearby. Males are similar looking to females, although they are a lot smaller and have more of a brownish coloured abdomen with brown and black striped legs.
Redback spiders build their webs in dry, shelter spot – in vents; under belongings, logs, rocks, barbeques & furniture; in the metal tubes of pool fencing and even in downlights in ceilings. The web is very untidy, like a badly made fishing net, and will often have some debris incorporated, like dead leaves.
The redback bite is very painful, resulting in headaches, nausea and stomach pain. If bitten seek medical assistance immediately, as the anti-venom may need to be administered.
Treatment notes
Our spider treatment is very effective against web-building spiders such as redbacks. Not only will it kill any spiders present, but residual insecticide on the surface also prevents new spiders moving in a building their webs for many months. We will treat all websites and hiding spots, as well as a general exterior treatment as a preventative measure.

Black House Spider
The black house spider is usually 1-2cm in length and up to 3cm in leg length. It has a matt black body, dark brownish/black legs and greyish/black abdomen. It sometimes gets confused with funnel web spiders due to the form of their web, but they are smaller and less shiny than funnel webs, and are normally found hiding in their webs, rather than crawling on the ground.
The web is quite dense with an obvious funnel leading to the spider’s hiding place. The webs are commonly found in sheltered outdoor locations on buildings – around doors and windows, under eaves and guttering, in vents and in the sub-floor.
The black house spider has a painful bite, but bites aren’t common as they are generally a timid spider, retreating into their web when disturbed. The bite is poisonous (but not lethal), and may cause sweating, nausea and dizzyness. Seek medical attention if bitten.
Treatment notes
Our spider treatment is very effective against web-building spiders such as black house spiders. Not only will it kill any spiders present, but the residual insecticide left on the surface prevents new spiders moving in a building their webs for many months. We will treat all websites and hiding spots, as well as a general exterior treatment as a preventative measure.

St. Andrews Cross Spider
The St. Andrews Cross spider is a garden spider with glossy black with yellow stripes and patterns on its legs and abdomen. The male reaches 3-4mm in body length, while the females are 10-16mm. They are easily identified by the way their pair up their legs when resting in the middle of the web, to form the shape of a cross.
They build large, classically shaped spider webs between bushes, often across paths. The webs can be quite difficult to see and so are easy to walk into.
Can sometimes bite after walking into a web, but the bite is not particularly poisonous, only resulting in local swelling.
Treatment notes
Generally, we don’t treat for garden spiders unless there is a particular issue or major infestation. Garden spiders are very beneficial for keeping down pest insect numbers in the garden. As a first step we recommend trimming back vegetation from around buildings and paths to make the areas less attractive to spiders. We can spray vegetation if required and although this will eliminate spiders present, it will also kill any insects as well (which is not always desirable). The treatment will have limited residual effects, as the treatment will get washed off and broken down by sunlight.

Garden Orb Spider
Garden orb spiders are one of the most common types of spiders found in gardens along the east coast of Australia. They can range from tan to a brownish/black in colour, usually with darker legs. It has a large bulging abdomen, often patterned like a leaf with stripes or spots. They are around 1 to 2.5cm in body length and 1 to 3.5cm in leg length.
Garden orb spiderswill often build their large webs across paths and driveways, sometimes crossing a gap of several metres. The golden orb-weavers produce webs with an obvious golden colour.
Despite its size, the garden orb spider bite isn’t particularly poisonous to humans, causing only local swelling or pain.
Treatment notes
Generally, we don’t treat for garden spiders unless there is a particular issue or major infestation. Garden spiders are very beneficial for keeping down pest insect numbers in the garden. As a first step we recommend trimming back vegetation from around buildings and paths to make the areas less attractive to spiders. We can spray vegetation if required and although this will eliminate spiders present, it will also kill any insects as well (which is not always desirable). The treatment will have limited residual effects, as the treatment will get washed off and broken down by sunlight.
Running / Hunting Spiders

Huntsman Spider
Most people will be able to recognise a huntsman spider, although there are a large number of different species. Huntsman spiders are one of the largest types of spiders in Australia, the various species tend to have a brownish-grey furry body and long crab-like legs. The average length of a huntsman spider is 2.5cm, with a leg span up to 12cm.
As their name suggests, huntsman spiders are hunting spiders, ambushing and running after prey. They don’t build webs but prefer to rest in tight spaces, such as underneath the bark of trees or between bed sheets! However, females build large flat egg cases from silk, which they carry around under their bodies.
Huntsman spiders tend to be quite timid and generally run away rather than bite, although females guarding their egg cases can be more aggressive. A huntsman’s bite is generally quite mild but can sometimes be quite painful causing local pain and swelling, nausea, headaches, sweating and dizziness.
Treatment notes
Treating for huntsman spiders, as with any hunting / running spiders, is a challenge. Our treatment will eliminate the spiders we find, and we will treat the exterior of the home to create a treated zone to target spiders trying to enter the home. These treatments aren’t “barriers”, as huntsman spider tend to walk on the tips of their legs and so only pick up small amount of insecticide as they walk across the treated surface. Although this will kill them, it may take a couple of hours.
HOWEVER, our general spider treatment will significantly reduce the number of insects around your home, meaning there is less food for spiders. As a result, spiders will find your home less attractive and are likely to move off elsewhere to find food.

White tail spider
White tail spiders are probably one of the easier spiders to identify due to is unusual cigar-like shape. They are a brown grey in colour, with lighter legs and a whitish tip at the base of the abdomen. Their body is around 1-2cm in length.
Like huntsman spiders, white-tail spiders, ambushing and running after prey. They don’t build webs but prefer to rest in tight spaces, such as underneath bark or logs, in cracks and crevices around the house, or between clothes and sheets.
White tail spiders often bite when threatened, but the venom isn’t particularly dangerous to humans, only causing mild pain, swelling, itchiness or discomfort, which can last for up to a couple of weeks. Scientific research has proven that the idea that white tail spider bites cause flesh to decay is not true – there is nothing in the venom that can cause this effect. However, bacteria (which may be on the spider’s jaws or introduced into the bite site through scratching) can cause necrosis, and this could occur with any spider bite.
Treatment notes
Treating for white-tail spiders, as with any hunting / running spiders, is a challenge. Our treatment will eliminate the spiders we find, and we will treat the exterior of the home to create a treated zone to target spiders trying to enter the home. These treatments aren’t “barriers”, as white-tail spiders tend to walk on the tips of their legs and so only pick up small amount of insecticide as they walk across the treated surface. Although this will kill them, it may take a couple of hours.
HOWEVER, our general spider treatment will eliminate black house spiders which are the preferred prey for white-tail spiders. As a result, white-tail spiders will find your home less attractive and are likely to move off elsewhere to find food.

Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are small to medium, ground dwelling garden spiders. There are a large number of wolf spider species. They are usually a greyish-brown in colour with strong markings on the hairy body and legs. They are about 1-3.5 cm in body length. They are fast moving, agile hunters. The female wolf spiders will carry her eggs on her back, and the spiderlings which hatch will also stay on her back for a couple of weeks.
Wolf spiders do not build webs. Some wolf spiders just live in the leaf litter, some will build burrows… some even with a trapdoor. They are very common in the lawn and garden. Whilst you might spot a burrow (which actually could also be built by other spiders or other insects), you are more likely to see the spiders at night when they are out hunting for prey.
Wolf spiders have a quite mild bite, causing local redness, swelling and itching.
Treatment notes
There is no specific treatment for wolf spiders. If there is a severe local issue, we may treat the lawn and garden beds, but more often we just carry out a general spider treatment focusing on the exterior of the home to prevent any wolf spiders entering by accident.

Funnel-web Spider
To the untrained eye, funnel-web spiders can be confused with other black spiders, particularly mouse spiders and sometimes the black house spider. Funnel-web spiders have a glossy black thorax with matt black/grey abdomen. They are medium to large in size, with a body length of 1 to 5cm and leg length of 6 to 7cm. They have obvious spinnerets and have large fangs and will raise their front legs when threatened. It is more likely to encounter male funnel web spiders, which leave their burrows in summer and autumn to find a mate.
Funnel web spiders live in moist areas and forests all along the coast of Australia. Their burrows are found in sheltered areas, under rocks, logs and rockeries. There are also tree funnel web species that live in holes in trees. The most distinctive sign of a funnel-web’s burrow is the irregular silk “trip lines” that radiate out from the entrance. These trip lines alert the spider to prey, mates or danger.
The funnel-web spider bite is extremely painful and can be fatal if left untreated. It is a very aggressive spider and any large black spider on the ground should be avoided. If a bite is suspected, it is important to follow the funnel-web spider bite first aid (similar to snake bite first aid) and medical assistance should be obtained immediately. There have been no deaths related to funnel-web bites since the anti-venom was developed in the 1980s.
Treatment notes
Specific treatments for funnel-web spiders are only required if you are in a funnel-web hotspot and there is an area on your property where there are a number of funnel-web burrows. Otherwise, the general spider treatment with a good perimeter treated zone is the best protection to control any wandering male funnel-webs entering the building.
Learn more about the professional spider spray from Rebel Pest Professionals